Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Prayer for Everyday Marriage

About a year ago, I walked inside Papemelroti store to buy nice looking boxes to organize our DVDs and VCDs. I chanced upon a scroll type wall decor with a marriage prayer scribbled on it. Having realized then that in daily occasions, marriage is not a bed of roses, I silently did my own prayer while reading the marriage prayer. I felt a sudden warmth inside me after reading the wonderful prayer. I tried to memorize it but having been in 2 consecutive anesthesia during childbirth, I had to make do with what I remembered from the prayer. I would like to share this prayer to those who are married. May they have a blessed union and fruitful years ahead in their marriage

Almighty Father, we would like to thank You for letting us experience this marriage.
In trying times, we would like to seek for Your assisting hands to help us remember when we first met.
Help us to remember the strong love that grew between us and work that love today into practical things

Strengthen our partnership so as nothing can divide us
We ask for caring words and for kind and forgiving hearts.
All of these we ask through jesus Christ Our Lord and through the Power of the Holy Spirit,


1 comment:

G said...

thanks for sharing this prayer sis, ill use this agad! Have a nice day!