I regretted the fact that my firstborn did not encounter exclusive breastfeeding. Given my limited knowledge on the importance of breastfeeding then, I had him mixed feed (with infant formula and breastmilk) since birth. We should not underestimate the fact that breasfeeding is best for babies up to 2 years. I was quite fortunate to exclusively breastfed my second child for about 4 months. I had her in mixed feeding until she was about 7 months and I can see the difference from my 2 kids. My firstborn used to get sick often while he was still a baby while my second child is healthier compared to my first.
I would like to share to first time moms a short course on breastfeeding. Breasfeeding 101 will include various topics not limited to benefits of breastfeeding, basics of breastfeeding, positions, common problems and solutions and other breastfeeding tips. I got hold of this course copy in one of the mommy seminars that I've attended to.
1. Breastmilk contains colostrum which is easily digested and is full of antibodies that prevent diseases
2. They say breastfed babies are more likely to be intelligent
3. Delays return of menstrual period which might help space pregnancies
4. Creates a strong bond between mom and child
5. Economical (saves us from purchasing expensive breastmilk substitutes) and readily available
1. Start nursing soon after birth if possible when baby is most awake and sucking instinct is strong.
2. Position baby's chest to your chest. Make sure that baby's mouth is wide open.
3. Once baby is properly positioned, relax and let the feel happen naturally.
4. Make sure baby has your areola and not just the nipple.
5. Your baby is sucking properly if there is a rhythmic motion visible in his cheek.
6. If possible, request for rooming in so that you can demand feed the baby. (Though there is another philosophy on scheduled feeding. whichever works best for you is ok)
7. Breastfeed on demand every 2-3 hours
8. If you received anesthesia during delivery, your baby might be recovering from effects of the anesthetic. Expect him to be drowsy and sluggish at the 1st and 2nd day.
9. It's ok if your baby will only suck a few times or even none at all. There is no danger that the baby will starve since babies born without complications have little need for nourishment during the first few days of life.
10. Don't be ever tempted to give a feeding bottle with breastmilk substitute. Breastfeed exclusively as much as you can.
11. Be wary of the signs that your baby is hungry. Crying is the ultimate sign of all but take note as well on subtle feeding cues such as mouthing, rooting and licking.
12. Don't try to feed a screaming baby. Soothe him first prior to nursing.
13. Learning how to breastfeed properly takes time. Don't give up and give yourself and your baby time to learn how to breastfeed.
1. Cradle Hold - hold your baby with his head on your forearm while his body is facing yours
2. Cross Cradle Hold - hold your baby along the opposite arm from the breast you are using. SUpport baby's head with the palm of your hand at the base of his head. Good for premature babies or those with problems latching on
3. Clutch Hold - for moms with large breasts or inverted nipples, hold babies at your side lying on his back. Baby's head should be at the level of your nipple. SUpport his head with the palm of your hand at the base of his head
4. Side Lying Position - perfect position at night but requires a lot of practice. This allows moms to rest or sleep while baby nurses. Ideal for moms who had caesarean births. Lie on the side with baby facing you. Pull baby close and guide his mouth to your nipples.
1. Inverted Nipples - compressing the areola between 2 fingers and expressing a small amount of milk will help relieve inverted nipples
2. Sore/Cracked Nipples - usual problem encountered by breastfeeding moms (including myself). This resolves once milk supply increases. AIr drying nipples after nursing may help. Do not be afraid breasfeeding when nipples are sore and cracked. Wash nipples with water only and leave a drop of milk on the nipples. No need to clean the nipples after each latch
3. Engorgement- caused by accumulation of mlk that makes breast big and hard. Feed baby often and express milk manually
4. Mastitis - inflammation of the breast caused by bacteria. One may experience fever if she has this. Offer unaffected breast while affected breast is emptied. Consult your doctor when you feel you have mastitis
1. Eat lots of protein rich foods,fresh fruits, whole grain breads and green leafy vegetables such as malunggay.
2. Hydrate yourself and increase fluid intake. Drink at least 8 glasses a day. It is also good to have soups as part of your daily meal and juices if possible. It is best to have a drinking water nearby while breastfeeding as sometimes in the middle of feeding your child you will feel thirsty.
3. Drink a glass or two of water before breastfeeding your baby.
4. Increase calcium requirement to 5 servings per day. Salmon and sardines are good sources of calcium. Take calcium supplements if possible.
5. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, colas or other caffeinated drinks
6. Don't drink alcohol.
7. Always consult your doctor before taking any medications
8. Check if your baby will encounter any allergic reactions to what you've eaten. Eliminate the food culprits if possible. Common food eliminated in a lactating mothers diet if their babies are sensitive are the following: chocolates, nuts and sometimes fresh milk.
1. If you are sick or concerned with other ilness, best to consult your doctor or lactation consultant for further advice if it is still safe for you to breastfeed.
2. Breastmilk is composed of about 88% water. Supplementing with water while breastfeeding is not necessary. Exclusive breastfeeding is encouraged for at least 6 months.
3. Working moms can still breastfeed their baby even if they are tired from work but it is best to breastfeed when one relaxed. The brain releases oxytocin,a hormone that makes us relaxed when one breastfeeds the baby.
4. Most moms worry if their baby is getting enough milk. Although we cannot see or measure the amount of milk our baby is getting, we might as well trust our instincts if they are getting enough milk.
5. Stools of breastfed babies are yellowish similar in consistency and odor with yogurt.
6. For a healthy baby, he should be gaining weight. Take note that babies' weight gain differ accordingly.
7. When one is in public, it is highly encouraged to still breastfeed your baby. There are breasfeeding rooms available in most malls. You may also opt to use a baby sling, a nursing cover or a shawl to cover your breast and your baby. Some would opt to wear nursing clothes.
8. If your trip is short, breastfeed before leaving and right after your return home.
3 weeks ago
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