Work in the office continuously pour in. When one task is done, another one comes along. Some colleagues of mine get stressed with this never ending workflow.
I already resigned to the fact that tasks in the office never stop. I have found a new but simple way of making life efficient at work: to create my own List of Five Things to Do for the day! I've already practiced this for 3 days and I hope to continue this for 3 weeks more since I've heard that it will take about this time of consistent implementation to make one exercise a habit.
Creating my own List of Five Things to Do enables me to focus and gives me a sense of fulfillment after marking them as done. The List of Five also makes me flexible enough to prioritize tasks not in the list such as within the day "urgent" requests from my boss or other important emails that needs to be addressed. I also use the "extra" time to organize my email outlook once I've done all items in the list.
As I shut down from work, I get a sense of pride finishing my tasks for the day and put on a happy smile on my face as I go on my way to take my Wellness Group Classes or Gym Exercises.
5 weeks ago